Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Hallowe'en!

I wasn't sure we were going to make it, when Yoda woke up at 5am ready for trick or treating. But the day ticked by and the juvenile witching hour arrived at last.

So we left treats on the porch to reward the poor souls who ventured up our steep drive and off we went. A perfect evening for trick or treats, cool with a breeze to rustle the leaves and make the candlelight dance in the jack-o-lanterns.

But eventually the feet, that not long ago couldn't contain their excitement, slowed. Houses were skipped and the lure of checking out the bounty brought us back home.

The littles asking for bedtime milk, bleary eyed crawling under the covers.
T and I, ready to pillage in the name of a safety check. I think I'd better check another Mars bar, just to make sure it's OK.
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1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to say "hi!" I am a MJC fan and reader of her blog and clicked over to yours from your comment. I love your writing style and the yummy food pics. I'm having a little blog envy right now, LOL. Your pumpkins and kiddos are so very adorable! Happy Halloween!

    Tamara from
    a southerner, a yankee and a mixed breed (or two!)
